Beam n Read
Beam n Read lights up personal space anywhere. It's worn around the neck and provides hands-free light for tasks like hand quilting, knitting, reading, camping, changing diapers, and for walking in dim or dark places. It's the only portable, personal light that supports snap-on Relaxation Filters to block eye-stressing blue light. With a wider and brighter light and longer battery runtime than clip on book lights, it works with all books and eReaders plus newspapers, loose documents, and even a handwritten letter from mom. Easy portability is great for students. The extra bright light is helpful for seniors while the hands-free design also makes it practical for those using walkers or wheelchairs. The extra long battery life makes Beam n Read a very useful emergency light during a power outage and results in a lower cost to operate.
Use in conjunction with the Beam n Read USB/AC Power Kit to save on batteries.
- Useful for many day-to-day tasks at home and during travel
- Shines wide and bright, hands free light directly on workspace / personal space
- Filters block blue light to deliver more relaxing light and reduce ambient light
- Lightweight, easy to carry, provides a personal task and walking light anywhere
- Energy Efficient: extra long battery runtime saves money and the environment
- Optimal combination of brightness and battery runtime for personal task lighting