Every few my brain turns to salty liquid. I just can't shake a longing for the ocean from my cozy studio in the land locked midwest. Growing up on the California coast infused me with the spirit of the sea and to this day saltwater runs through my veins.
It is the mystery more than anything that drives our fascination with the ocean. The deepest oceans are like alien planets with sealife evolving unseen by human eyes. So why can't a sea horse become a unicorn? I certainly can't think of a reason. If it could happen then it could happen here. In vivid technicolor with a bio luminescent glow in the form of tiny neon accents, you will find Spotted Eagle Sting Rays amongst the sea weed, Mini Blue Whales fraternizing with giant Sea Unicorns and a bloom of Jellyfish gently drifting with the current.
There is a lot going on down here so take a deep breath and join me on the ocean floor where the water is cool and quiet and the aquatic wonders never cease.
It is the mystery more than anything that drives our fascination with the ocean. The deepest oceans are like alien planets with sealife evolving unseen by human eyes. So why can't a sea horse become a unicorn? I certainly can't think of a reason. If it could happen then it could happen here. In vivid technicolor with a bio luminescent glow in the form of tiny neon accents, you will find Spotted Eagle Sting Rays amongst the sea weed, Mini Blue Whales fraternizing with giant Sea Unicorns and a bloom of Jellyfish gently drifting with the current.
There is a lot going on down here so take a deep breath and join me on the ocean floor where the water is cool and quiet and the aquatic wonders never cease.