Last-Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts
The tradition of giving patchwork and quilted gifts goes back hundreds of years, to times when communities came together to create elaborate heirlooms for weddings, births, and other important events. These days the wish to express ourselves through stitchery remains the same, but our schedules are far less obliging. For this very reason, Joelle Hoverson, author of the best-selling Last-Minute Knitted Gifts, presents Last-Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts, a collection of 30 patchwork and quilted projects organized according to the amount it takes to complete them, from less than 2 hours to about 12 hours. Inspired by Amish, Appalachian, and Japanese quilting traditions, among others, Hoverson's projects range from easy pillowcases, ornaments, and bags to simplified (but heirloom-worthy) log cabin and crazy quilts. Hoverson, a painter by training, also shares her approach to color as it applies to fabric as well as the tools and techniques - including shortcuts - she used to complete the projects in the book.