The Star Wars Craft Book
Chewbacca Sock Puppets. Ewok Flower Vases. AT-AT Herb Gardens. With The Star Wars Craft Book, fans of all ages and skill levels can bring the best of the galaxy far, far away right into their own homes. Fully illustrated, this guide features a variety of fun and original projects.
• Playtime: Make and play with finger puppets of your favorite cantina characters, Cuddly Banthas, and Rotta the Huttlet Squeaky Toys for your pets
• Home Decor: Spruce up your space with Chewbacca Tissue Box Covers, a Mounted Acklay Head, and a Jabba the Hutt Body Pillow
• Holiday Crafts: Celebrate festive occasions with Wookiee Pumpkins, Hanukkah Droidels, and a Star Wars Action Figure Wreath
• Nature and Science Crafts: Get down to earth with Emperor Appletine Dolls and a Wookiee Bird House
• Star Wars Style: Give your wardrobe a dose of intergalactic chic with Ewok Fleece Hats and an R2-D2 Crocheted Beanie
With easy step-by-step instructions, The Star Wars Craft Book is a joyful and entertaining way for you and your friends to bring many beloved elements of Star Wars to life! (No midi-chlorians required!)